Please enjoy this excerpt from Chapter 1 of Interviewing Skills for Auditors, available here. Objectives: Distinguish between types of interviews Identify the benefits of establishing rapport during an interview Identify the benefits of having a productive, friendly relationship with the client Always remember the purpose of an interview – to get information. But because you are working with […]
Whas’ up with Your Team’s Writing?
Enjoy this first chapter from The Audit Report: Yellow Book Style by Leita Hart-Fanta available here. Objectives: Identify what is causing your team’s problems with report writing What’s Your Problem?: The Root of Writing Problems “What kind of writing issues does your staff have?” When a potential client calls to ask me to conduct a writing […]
General Principles & Basic Premises
Objectives: Differentiate between principles applicable to state and local governments and nonprofits Define key government regulators and their related acronyms Sequence the four layers of rules governing grants Introduction to Federal Cost Principles Now you’ve done it. You’ve taken on a federal grant – either to administer one or to audit one! Federal grants can be […]
All Self-Study CPE for $680
Yellow Book Ethics
Enjoy this excerpt from the self-study text: The Yellow Book Interpreted which qualifies for 15 hours of CPE. The GAO has a few things to say about a government auditor’s ethical responsibilities and, thus, added a large section on ethics to the 2007 revision of the Yellow Book. The same ethical principles appear in the 2017 […]
The Struggle is Real
If you work for an audit shop with more than three professionals, you likely struggle with getting your audit report out the door. First of all, let me reassure you that you are perfectly normal. Nothing wicked or dastardly is afoot. Every audit team I have ever worked with wishes they could finish quicker. We […]
Do I need an audit, a review, or a monitoring visit? What is the difference?
If you have doubts that your audit customer understands what you do and how important you are 🙂 , share this article with them: Plenty, my friend! Plenty. So, you think you need an audit? Or maybe you heard that you could get by with a review instead? Maybe you were asked to find someone […]
The Internet Fraud Tree
The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’ fraud tree is a little dated. Some of the scariest, highest impact frauds today occur in the cyber world. So please enhance the CFE’s fraud tree with the internet fraud tree when considering the various frauds that could occur on your audit. Most of the stories in this chapter […]
My comments to the GAO on the 2017 exposure draft of GAGAS
Here is the short response that I sent to the GAO on the 2017 exposure draft of GAGAS. The deadline for comments is July 6. Please send your comments to 6/20/17 GAO GAGAS Team – Thank you for giving the audit community a chance to comment. I am in the relatively unique position of having the […]