It is vital auditors understand emerging technologies, cryptocurrency and digital assets since they have the potential to transform government financial systems and operations.
9 Ways Your Audit Gig Builds Character
Here are 9 ways your audit gig builds character by instilling positive qualities for personal and professional growth.
3 Phases of Editing a Finding
Before giving the final version of your audit report to your readers, make sure you check off these 3 phases of editing a finding.
5 Components of Audit Documentation
These 5 components of audit documentation guide your reviewers, remind you of what you did and support your conclusions and findings.
Enjoy Your Audit Gig!
Has your audit gig lost a little of its luster? Leita Hart-Fanta offers 8 ideas that might bring some light and hope for productive fun.
What Is Chain of Custody?
In this episode of THE SAMPLE, Leita Hart-Fanta explains the Chain of Custody using Enron as an example of what NOT to do. Evidence is more likely to be corrupted as more people touch it.
8 Key Parts of Your Audit Report
Always make sure you have these 8 key parts of your audit report to present the most comprehensive and accurate information as possible.
5 Strong Controls
Is there a risk you want to avoid? Of course there is! Apply these 5 strong controls today to reduce your chance at risk.
7 Tips for Better Audit Interviews
Save some time by following these easy 7 tips for better audit interviews. Everyone related to your audit will thank you… even the auditee!