Special thanks to John J. Hall, CPA, President, Hall Consulting, Inc. for providing this valuable information on internal control.
Keep the Big Picture in Mind When Reviewing Audit Documentation
Stand back and enjoy the glorious big picture perspective when reviewing working papers before delving into the details.
Intelligent Auditors Use Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Featured speaker Marcus Garrett shares how artificial intelligence has already reduced the workforce and how you can prepare to be one of the last auditors standing.
35+ Movies for Professional Skeptics
Looking for something new to watch this holiday season? These 35+ movies may not qualify for CPE hours, but you’ll be entertained while sharpening your professional skepticism and fraud detection skills.
Ways to Quantify a Finding
Here are several ways (with examples!) to quantify a finding, because numbers are the key to making issues real.
SWOT Analysis to Identify Risk & Choose an Audit Subject
Walking through the steps of a SWOT Analysis can help you and your auditee identify risk and choose an audit subject.
4 Spooky Inherent Risks
Ask yourself if your audit topic could result in one of these 4 SPOOKY inherent risks: Death/injury, shame, loss of money or missed goals.
Qualities of a Good Audit Procedure
Use these four audit procedure qualities – pointed, strong, cheap and easy – to determine you’re on the right path. If not, it’s time to design a new methodology!
Testing Journal Entries in Audits
Our friend, Charles B. Hall, CPA CFE of CPA Hall Talk, shares the importance of testing journal entries in audits, no matter how good your internal controls are!