It is no easy task to earn NASBA’s seal of approval, but has their blessing for its self-studies, webinars, and live seminars.
Swallow the Frog First
Sometimes it’s easier to just “swallow the frog” and get the difficult work done first!
What is Government CPE?
Government CPE requirements are flexible since they allow topics on the specific business of the auditee, government auditing and the government environment itself.
What are the Yellow Book CPE Rules?
This is the best time of year to review the GAO Yellow Book CPE rules for government auditors and register for courses in 2023 to ensure you’re compliant.
How do I know if a course qualifies for GAO Yellow Book CPE?
In this post, Leita Hart-Fanta answers the question, “How do I know if a course qualifies for GAO Yellow Book CPE?” She provides 3 reasons by it isn’t so easy to figure out, and gives you clear guidance how to make sure you’re in compliance.
How Much Yellow Book CPE Should I Earn?
In this episode of THE SAMPLE, Leita Hart-Fanta, CPA answers the question, “How Much Yellow Book CPE Should I Earn?”
Vendor Controls Prevent Theft
Charles Hall shares this article on how to monitor changes to existing vendors and understand the related controls.