Leader v. Manager
How we provide feedback is just one of several factors differentiating between a great leader and a mediocre manager. If you’re not following the 4 ways to improve feedback infographic shown here, your ‘boss meter’ may be pointing towards manager. Nudge the needle back towards leader by making a few easy improvements on how you give feedback.
4 ways to improve feedback
Feedback is necessary for all relationships, not just work-based ones. With so much negativity in the world, we should always give praise when praise is due. Most of what people do is good and should be recognized regularly, creating a sense of trust and appreciation. When it’s time to deliver some constructive criticism, the receiver may be less defensive and more open to learning from the situation.
Practice what you preach
Using these feedback pointers will create more open and honest communications. Please share the 4 Ways to Improve Feedback (PDF) with your team and let them know you’re receptive to feedback, too! A truly great leader wants to know their team’s thoughts.
You should also enjoy your work, so I invite you to Audit Findings: An Online Workshop, a 12-hour course scheduled July 10-12. By following a few key guidelines, you can create an audit report masterpiece while having fun at the same time.
Want to hear an open discussion about different approaches to planning a performance audit? I’ve invited Drummond Kahn – an auditor with federal, state and local government experience since 1990 – for a 2-hour webinar on September 29. Audit Planning for Performance Audits: A Dialogue with Drummond Kahn is not a traditional PowerPoint pushing presentation, but it’ll be packed full of great conversation and case studies.