Is it possible for one person to steal over $53 million from a city with an annual budget of less than $10 million? Yes. The Rita Crundwell story provides a cautionary tale for small businesses, governments, and nonprofits.
charles hall
Substantive Analytical Procedures: Power Up
Are you using substantive analytical procedures in your audits? Many auditors rely solely on tests of details when a better option is available. Substantive analytics, in some cases, provide better evidential matter. And they are often more efficient than tests of details.
Why would a government employee commit fraud?
Please enjoy the first chapter of “The Little Book of Local Government Fraud” by Charles Hall, CPA. An fun-to-read and informative self-study course available at Objectives: Identify common characteristics of fraudsters Identify various types of fraud schemes Before we dig into fraud at the ground level of individual transactions, let’s take a look at local government fraud […]