Featured guest author Charles Hall shares this article explaining segregation of duties and how can it be achieved by your audit team.
audit report
Auditors Save the World! Toby DeRoche
Toby DeRoche is the auditing hero in this episode of the “Auditors Save the World!” podcast. Listen to his story as he unravels a web of deception and bring the culprits to light!
7 Tips for Better Graphics & Tables
Graphics and tables make your audit reports pop! Follow these 7 tips to make the biggest impact on your audience.
I’ll Take Chocolate Sprinkles with that Audit Report, Please!
Just like ice cream, one flavor does not fit all when it comes to your audit reports. Some prefer plain vanilla while others require something more complex, like chocolate and sprinkles!
Watch Your Tone, Young Lady!
Does your audit report sound like a snarky teenager? Improve the tone and avoid potential upset by avoiding commonly used negative words.
Draw Attention to Your Audit Report
Here are practical ways on how to draw attention to your audit report. Why? Because it deserves some love, too!
The Self-Interest Threat
In order to keep their jobs, auditors must moderate the information in their audit reports. This creates a self-interest threat to independence.
4 Solid Reasons for Creating an Audit Report Outline
This post provides 4 solid reasons for creating an audit report outline.
Internal Audit KPI Metrics That Will Rock Your Audit Shop
This post focuses on internal audit KPI metrics that will rock your audit shop!