Our auditing superhero, Jon Taber, saved his company millions of dollars by investigating a simple question posed by the accounting department. Listen to his episode on this week’s “Auditors Save the World” podcast to see how he saved the day… and all that money!
Audit Methodology
Qualities of a Good Audit Procedure
Use these four audit procedure qualities – pointed, strong, cheap and easy – to determine you’re on the right path. If not, it’s time to design a new methodology!
What is the job of an auditor?
Auditors, I suggest you keep your job title on the down-low when meeting someone new at a party. Why? Because just as soon as you reveal you are an auditor, your new acquaintance will get very quiet. Shortly thereafter, your not-yet (and likely will-never-be) friend will leave to get a drink and never come back. […]