A law, regulation, or policy has to call the yellow book into play for it to be applicable. You can audit a government, but not have to use the government auditing standards.
Auditing is Dangerous
Auditing is dangerous. Why? Because auditors can’t win! Telling the truth can come back to bite them, but so can NOT telling the truth.
The Iterative Nature of Control Evaluation
Control evaluation is a lot like trimming a rose bush where you usually discover something unexpected. You can’t approach them just once and be done, either.
Introducing and Demystifying Lean Six Sigma
Introducing Lean Six Sigma since it applies to just about everyone! It’s a guide for all sizes of organizations to find and increase the value of the activities in which they are engaged.
Internal Audit Independence
Common hurdles to internal audit independence include asking auditors to report to those who they audit and managing the entity.
Governments Are Freaky
Taking government clients on? Be warned you may need to adjust to a different sensibility to pull it off. Why? Governments are freaky.
So You Want To Audit Government Grants?
Before you get too excited about possibly auditing government grants, you may want to know a few things first…
A Higher Purpose
Many of us become emotional hearing stories about waste, fraud and abuse. It helps us remember our higher purpose as a government auditor.
Confessions of a Recovering Auditor OR Does He Win or Lose? Yes, He Does!
Confessions include be more confident and more precise when you make an assertion. Sample size has to go up and you must do more work.